Earn Cash by referring clients

Earn up to $400 per client!
Earn a minimum of $100 or 20% of all up front fees collected, up to $400, including equipment costs, application fees or set up fees. If you have a web site, provide web hosting, or any other services and would like to provide credit card acceptance to your visitors, we can customize a Merchant Card Services application that you can paste on your web site.
Simple Application process
We will customize a simple application your clients can complete on your web site. It will contain underlying code that will notify us that it was completed on your site. Your applicant will receive an answer usually within 10 minutes of submitting the application, complete with rate information and procedures to get his merchant account. Once your applicant accepts the terms and sends all the requested items, we will set up his account. Upon final approval and complete set up of his merchant account, your commission will be mailed to you the following month.
This is a great way to offer e-commerce solutions to your visitors and earn big commissions while we provide all the services. You will be paid monthly on all commissions due.
To get started, simply complete the simple affiliate form to receive your custom link immediately.